Bikini Coffee stands that doubled as Brothels or That's why this Coffee is sooo Expensive

Coffee stands with baristas clad in bikinis have become all the rage in the Pacific Northwest. When you're competing in the area where coffee giant Starbucks began, you have to do something extra to make your business stand out. Carmen Panico, owner of five such coffee stands, did a little more than meets the eye to make her chain successful.

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It turns out, the baristas working for Panico also engaged in sex shows and prostitution to make extra money at the coffee stands. Panico later pleaded guilty to prostitution and money-laundering charges.

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The names of two of her coffee huts were Java Juggs and Twin Peaks, and one even including a stripper pole! Tell-tale giveaways perhaps?

My question is where is the male version of this?? Would we call it Cockachinos, Penessos, Starbutts or just simply Pythons??

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